Dear McGilly…

August 14, 2011 § 1 Comment

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It has been a month since I have written to you, shame on me.  I decided to begin again by writing about this week and then do a July in review to catch up.  To keep the posts size down I am going to attach a PDF of the happenings and just post favorite pictures from the week and a little blurb to close the letter here.  I also found a wonderful idea to help make the entries each week more genuine and something to help me remember the best parts, I will talk about it tomorrow on Momma Monday.   Well without further ado…

Dear McGilly Darling,

Sweetie this week was great and you know why, because I have you.  No matter the stress or the grown up silliness I am dealing with I just have to look at you and it melts away.  My very favorite part about this week is how much you have started holding my hand.  It used to be only when you needed help doing something like walking the stairs but this week it has been just when we are standing by each other or walking from the kitchen to the toy room.  I have to say it melts my heart and makes me so happy.  The other favorite is watching  or listening to you and daddy be silly—he is working so hard for our family right now and when he gets even just a minute break he is playing with you.  You seem to brighten his day even at the most stressful of times.  He wants to give you the world sweet angel girl and I believe he will.

You make me so happy my lovely girl.  You are one of my very favorite people and I can’t wait for all that is to come.

Auntie Melyssa said that Uncle Scottie said that if you were half as cool as me as a baby then you were golden.  I don’t know what kind of baby I was but I have to believe that you my angel far surpass me in coolness because I can’t imagine a more perfect girl!

Love you so very very much,

Your Momma

+August 5th-13th Journal

Pictures in slideshow

+Sleepy Ridge golf course {where we went golfing with grandpa}

+Menchies pictures {dinner with grandma Jacque}

+Cousin Car that you love

+You at the big birthday bash-cute shirt don’t you think

+Sliding fun on Sunday

§ One Response to Dear McGilly…

  • Laci says:

    SLEEPY RIDGE is where you golfed. 🙂
    I just want to be sure Izz always remembers her Grandpa lives on the 10th hole.

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