Dear McGilly…

August 21, 2011 § Leave a comment

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Sweet girl, this week was a blast!  We have so many wonderful people we are related to.  Besides having some of the best grandpa’s and grandma’s and aunts and uncles, you have some of the best extended family ever.  This week we got to spend time at the 1st annual Zamora Chili Cook-off with our Zamora family.   They are so fun, down-to-earth and funny.  I think we all left full of good food and fun memories.  You got your very favorite toy every this week from your Great Grandma Lee–a radio flyer wagon.  I have a feeling you would live in it if you could.

But my very favorite thing this week is how much we giggled, you are such a giggly girl and I can’t get enough.  I absolutely love everything about you!  You do sometimes drive me a little crazy — you can mess up a room quicker than I can clean it and you always want to be right in the middle of it–meaning right in my arms, but, I am so grateful for this time I have with you.  I remind myself that the time will come when I can’t pick you up off the floor and hold you in my arms– there will also come a time when you won’t want to spend every waking moment following me around–so I am going to soak it all in while I can.  That sometimes {most of the time} means everything isn’t always going to be tidy, that all of my projects will probably never be done, and that this blog will usually be missing a few entries a week but when I look back at my life I won’t remember any of that.   I will only remember the love and the moments I shared with the ones I loved-the joy shared-and the giggles had.

Make sure you remember always sweet girl, that no matter how old you get I can still hold you in my arms and tell you everything is going to be alright.  I will always be here to listen, to offer a shoulder, to celebrate your triumphs and to love you through all the ups and the downs that life will provide.  I am here for you always, to understand and help.   And anytime you want to follow me around and be wrapped in a hug I will always drop anything for you.

I absolutely adore you my child, you are beautiful beyond words…

Love you,


+August 15th-21st Journal Entry

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