Thankful for…Hand me Downs and a Sewing Machine

August 24, 2011 § Leave a comment

Dear friend,

This last weekend while I was at my Mom’s I saw a bag of clothes that my little sister Bailey was sending to the thrift shoppe.  Me–not wanting anything to go to waste rummaged through the bag and look what I found–on the left is the pieces I cut from the thrift shoppe bound clothing and on the left is the sweet clothes I made for McGilly today.  She definitely was not in the mood for dress up so she helped me take pictures of the clothes laying down.  In the circle for each picture is what the original item of clothing was and all I added was a grey unitard that I got from Old Navy.



For all of the skirts I just cut off the shirts at the length I wanted the skirt to be with 1 inch extra for the waistband–then I folded the waistband back and sewed a tunnel for the elastic. After that I threaded through a thin piece of elastic, adjusted the size, sewed the elastic together and then sewed up the hole that I left to get the elastic in.  On the dress I just cut off the extra fabric on the top and then sewed in the straps and the embellishment.  I warn you I am not a seamstress I just like to create using my sewing machine.  My favorite is the white skirt with the fabric necklace.  I kinda want one and the purple skirt and the navy skirt…which one is your favorite?

Have a happy day.


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